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In Good Company

You are the company you keep. At watchLAB, we take this to heart. From our clients, to employees, vendors, and research participants. We search for the best of the best and once we find them we treat them right. We respect their time, we fight for what's best for them, and we get results.

Crowd of People with masks
"I've been working on my product area for over a year now. This is an especially difficult feature to recruit for, and this was by far the best recruiting experience I've ever had."

Meagan McDonald
UX Researcher, Instagram

Qualitative Research

watchLAB provides recruitment, facility rental, hosting services and project management for all qualitative market research methodologies, including:

  • Telephone, Web-enabled and/or Webcam Interviews

  • Remote and In-person Usability testing (website, mobile device, tablet)

  • Online Qualitative Platforms or Focus Groups

  • Traditional Focus Groups seating from 2 to 200+

  • Ethnographic, Affinity & In-situation research

  • In-Depth Interviews

  • Ongoing Panels/Longitudinal Studies

  • Debate style or super groups

  • Shop-Along interviews

  • Expert Interviewing
  • In-home usage tests (iHuts) or Product Placements

  • Taste Tests

  • Mock trial / mock jury

watchLAB regularly sources consumer, B2B, physician and patient respondents in the following metro markets; however, no city is out of reach:

  • Chicago

  • San Francisco

  • Portland

  • New York

  • Los Angeles

  • Seattle

  • New Jersey

  • Philadelphia

  • Houston

  • Dallas

  • Austin

  • Atlanta

  • Denver

  • Nashville

  • Sacramento

Your opinions are valuable.
We want to hear
(and pay you for) them!
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  • Online

  • By telephone

  • In-Home

  • In-Person

Specific Audience Specialties

  • Consumer

  • ITDMs & Developers

  • LOB, BDMs, B2B

  • Small Business Owners & Merchants

  • Financial Services Professionals

  • Physicians

Other research services include: moderation, reporting, data analytics and transcription.






2863 West 95th Street

Suite 143, Box 364

Naperville, IL 60564

© 2023 watchLAB, LLC

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